What a Sunday!

So thankful for Jeff Grindstaff sharing his powerful testimony to start off the service. Then, to hear the heart of the Martins for the 125 million unreached in Japan! What a Sunday!

Hardin Valley Church Week | 07-18-2021 | Great Special Speakers Beginning Next Week!

Hands-on 7 -8 PM with our Young People. Fun, Games, Food, and time in the Scriptures.  Wear your Hardin Valley Shirts, Fun prizes for bringing your Bible, and a friend too! https://www.hardinvalleychurch.com/summer-refresh-cafeteria-lobby-remodel-phase-1/ Click on the image below to download screen savers for our July Memory Verses. Weekly Budget Need – $2,700General Fund Received  – $604Weekly Under… Read More ›