865-670-4188 | Sunday 9:30 & 10:30AM | Wednesday 7PM

Make Sure to Watch Our Thanksgiving Praise Service

Start Your Celebration Tomorrow

This year, our church is providing the D6 Family Advent Kit to our families. It provides daily Scripture readings and short devotions about one of the names for Jesus. You will find a family activity for every day—whether it is playing a game, gathering old toys, or reading through Christmas cards. You will also find a simple ornament to make together to remind you of the name of Jesus you studied that day.

Get your kit at the Welcome Desk!

Order and Pay for Poinsettias Here

Phase 1.998 New Playground

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard and to everyone who gave extra to this project.

You can help financially here 

Just indicate Playground on the memo line

Don’t Forget as We Head into Flu Season

Watch Services

Sermon Notes

YouTube Sermons

Weekly Budget Need – $2,200

General Fund Received  $3,135

Weekly OVER Budget – $935

Yearly OVER Budget – $2,777