The Cross of Jesus in the Land of the Pandemic 03/22/20 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Romans 5:1–12 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
A Mighty Fortress is Our God 03/15/20 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Psalm 46 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
The Necessity of Trouble and Suffering 03/08/20 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Joy in Suffering 02/09/20 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: Philippians 1:19–21 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
I am Committed to the Gospel 01/26/20 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: 2 Timothy 1:7-2:2 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Hope in the New Year 01/12/20 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Romans 4:18–21 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
How to Be a Great Friend 10/27/19 (Sunday AM) Listen Bible Text: John 1:35 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Finding Rest In A Stressful World 09/15/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: Matthew 11:28-30 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Share Your Story – How Does the Story of Grace Start? 08/25/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: 1 Timothy 1:1–17 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Share Your Story
Take Your Story With You-Be Faithful to a Bible Church 08/18/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Share Your Story