Tell the Story of Grace 05/12/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Matthew 1:1–8 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Tell Your Story – How can I live a life without regret? 05/05/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: Psalm 119:9–16 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Tell the Story — He is Alive and Setting Hearts on Fire! 04/28/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Luke 24:13–35 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Tell the Story of Easter
Tell the Story about His Resurrection 04/21/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 15:12–19 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Tell the Story of Easter
Tell The Story about His Burial 04/14/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Matthew 27:50–66 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Tell the Story of Easter
Tell The Story about His Death 04/07/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Isaiah 53:5 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Tell the Story of Easter
Tell The Story… from The Beginning 03/31/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Mark 1:14–15 ; Matthew 3:1–8 ; Matthew 4:12–22 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Tell the Story of Easter
What You Need to Hear and Every”One” Needs to Hear from the One (Jesus) 03/24/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: John 4:19–26 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Find Your One
What Your “One” and Everyone Needs to Hear 03/17/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: John 4:19–26 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Find Your One
Why You Need to Find Your One 03/10/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: John 4:1–24 | Speaker: Rodney HollomanSeries: Find Your One