Missionary Jews & Tribulation Saints – Return of the King | Revelation 7

May 12, 2024 ()

Bible Text: Revelation 7 |


Missionary Jews & Tribulation Saints:

God’s Merciful Heart in Judgment Revelation 7

“Where did these people come from?”

Messianic Jewish Missionary Revival 7:1-8

In Wrath, God shows Mercy (1-3)

Unfaithful Israel is still a part of God’s plan (4-8)

Martyrs Arrive in Heaven 7:9-17

Jesus is still saving people during the great judgment.

Global Evangelism is still the heart of God.

Their location—They stand before the throne (of God) and before the Lamb.

Their clothing—They are clothed permanently in white robes of victory and purity; they stand before God in the imputed, perfect righteousness of the Lamb (7:14).

Their instruments of worship—They have palm branches of joy, celebration, and praise.

Their confession—They are crying out (continually) in a loud voice (see 7:2),

God’s Salvation is Glorious (11-12)

  1. blessing —a good word, a praise
  2. glory – honor derived from one’s character and a good reputation; it is the radiance or outshining of the divine person
  3. wisdom —divine knowledge and perspective on all things, especially in the outworking of God’s plan of salvation
  4. thanksgiving
  5. honor —esteem; public and deserved recognition
  6. power —God’s omnipotence; His ability to act as He wills according to His character 7.strength —often related to God’s mighty acts in salvation history

Macarthur - Worship is the constant occupation of those in heaven.

God’s Salvation is Personal (13-17)

Origination – Made Clean

Function – Serve and Worship

Protection – Presence

Provision- Every Need Met

Shepherd – God will take care of us


1. Persecution is now present worldwide and more will come.

2. If we will not be inconvenienced for Christ, we will not suffer and die for Him.

3. We must join in God’s plan to take His gospel to Everyone, Everywhere!

  • Many authors used the same/similar outline, so I don't know who to properly credit. They seemed to liberally borrow from one another, so any credit goes to them.

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