865-670-4188 | Sunday 9:30 & 10:30AM | Wednesday 7PM
The Rise of the Antichrist | Revelation 13:-10

The Rise of the Antichrist | Revelation 13:-10

The Rise of the Antichrist Revelation 13:1-10; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 45% Americans believe in the Antichrist 20% Americans believe he is alive today Over 20 different names in Scripture • the little horn (Dan 7:8) • the prince (ruler) who is to come (Dan 9:26) • the...
What Happens if We Neglect the Work of God | Haggai 1:1–11

What Happens if We Neglect the Work of God | Haggai 1:1–11

What Happens if We Neglect the Work of God Haggai 1:1–11 Signs of a desolate church: Few conversions Inadequate finances low percentage of attendance at worship Half-hearted worship Few outsiders brought to church outreach activities by members Dwindling support to...
The Woman, The Child, and the Dragon | Revelation 12

The Woman, The Child, and the Dragon | Revelation 12

The Woman, The Child, and the Dragon Revelation 12 Why Should We Care? Application You must be ready to confront the world’s hostility. Comfort is the goal of society. Serving God must be greater than our comfort. The greatest rebellion is always against the Lordship...
The Kingdoms of this World | Revelation 11:15-19

The Kingdoms of this World | Revelation 11:15-19

Tribulation Temple and The Two Witnesses Revelation 11:1-14 We Should Have a Burden for the Lost We Must Have a sense of Urgency – Life is too short, Eternity is too long, and there is no more Delay I. The Temple 1. It has been rebuilt The Tribulation temple...
Tribulation Temple and The Two Witnesses | Revelation 11:1-14

Tribulation Temple and The Two Witnesses | Revelation 11:1-14

The Kingdoms of this World Return of the King Revelation 11:15-19 1. Praise of the Victorious King (vss. 15-17) Almighty – Power Eternality – Ever Lives – No beginning, No end Sovereignty – Rules – He is in control 2. Response of the Lost World (vs. 18a) Nations...
No More Delay | Revelation 10

No More Delay | Revelation 10

No More Delay Revelation 10 First Trumpet – Judgment on the Land (Revelation 8:7) Second Trumpet – Judgment on the Seas/Salt Water (Revelation 8:8-9) Third Trumpet – Judgment on the Fresh Water (Revelation 8:10-11) Fourth Trumpet – Judgment on the Celestial Bodies...
It Matters What You Value in Your Family | Proverbs 22:6

It Matters What You Value in Your Family | Proverbs 22:6

It Matters What You Value in Your Family Proverbs 22:6 Genesis 13:1–13 1. Put Jesus Christ First Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 2. Prioritize Walking with God Deuteronomy 6:6–9...
Do You Want To Get Well? | John 5:1-15

Do You Want To Get Well? | John 5:1-15

How Can God Bless America? James 4:7-10 1. Submit to God to comply with the will of someone of higher rank His Word must be the ultimate authority 2. Resist the Devil We usually resist God and tolerate the Devil 3. Draw Near to God genuine faith coming to God in...
How Can God Bless America? | James 4:7-10

How Can God Bless America? | James 4:7-10

How Can God Bless America? James 4:7-10 1. Submit to God to comply with the will of someone of higher rank His Word must be the ultimate authority 2. Resist the Devil We usually resist God and tolerate the Devil 3. Draw Near to God genuine faith coming to God in...