Why Should I Be Concerned About Being Generous? 02/10/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 8:6–16 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
God Cares about Your Generosity 02/03/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Mark 12:41–44 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Tell the Story 01/27/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: 1 Kings 19:19–21 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Choose Life 01/20/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Deuteronomy 30:19 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Get into the Word and Let the Word Change You 01/13/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Hebrews 4:11–13 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Get into the Word and Let the Word Get into You 01/06/19 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: Hebrews 4:11–13 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
What Happens When We Encounter the Christ Child? 12/30/18 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: Luke 2:25–35 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Why Is Jesus Worthy to be the One? 12/23/18 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: Isaiah 9:2-7 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Jesus is the Prince of Peace 12/16/18 (Sunday AM) Watch Listen Bible Text: Isaiah 9:1-7 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman
Jesus Christ is God The Victor 12/09/18 (Sunday AM) Watch Bible Text: Isaiah 9:1-7 | Speaker: Rodney Holloman