Wolf Missionary Moment | How to Share Your Faith-Wednesdays | Cookies Crumble – HVKidz

Wolf Missionary Moment | How to Share Your Faith-Wednesdays | Cookies Crumble – HVKidz

A Word from Pastor Rodney – Get Ready for Sunday

Saturday Visitation this Saturday at 10 AM

Tommy Hutton – This is My Testimony – Wednesday Night Service

HVKidz Cookies Crumble

Men’s Saturday Group – Starting August 17 at 8 AM

Financial Peace University – coming end of August

Logan & Grayson Wolf – Missionary Moment

Find Your Grow Group – Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday are available.

Get Ready for Sunday

I believe that personal preparation is essential in our worship of God. That preparation is not always a pleasant thing and must include some revolutionary changes. Some things must be destroyed in your life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not only constructive, but it is also destructive, destroying certain elements in you that should not be there, impeding worship. The fire in the burning bush only consumed those elements that should not be there. And so, as we yield ourselves to the operations of the Holy Spirit, He will begin routing out those elements in our life that impede worship; and that is both satisfying to us and acceptable to God. – A.W.. Tozer, The Purpose of Man: Designed to Worship (pp. 128-129). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

How can we worship God publicly once each week when we do not care to worship Him privately throughout the week? Can we expect the flames of our worship of God to burn brightly in public on the Lord’s Day when they barely flicker for Him in secret on other days? Could it be that our corporate worship experience often dissatisfies us because we do not pursue satisfying worship in private? – Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (p. 112). The Navigators. Kindle Edition.

There is no getting around it: worship requires discipline. We are to worship God “in spirit and in truth,” and this is impossible without discipline. We must discipline ourselves to know God’s truth so we can worship Him in truth. We must discipline our human spirit so that authentic affections pour in spirit from our hearts to God. We must discipline ourselves in preparation for corporate worship, and that does not begin with the thirty seconds after we have breathlessly sat down. 

Weekly Budget Need – $3,140
General Fund Received – $2,607
Last Week Under Budget – $-533
2024 Yearly Under Budget – $-4,068

2024 Missions Giving – $9,917

This is My Testimony | Tommy Hutton | Psalm 90:9 | 08072024
No More Delay – The Return of the King | Revelation 10 | Rodney Holloman
► Notes: https://churchlinkfeeds.blob.core.windows.net/notes/39183/note-211601.html

This week’s Missionary Moment is with Logan Wolf, our missionary in Utah.

August Memory Verses

Revelation 21:7-8

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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