Saturday Visitation | Sunday School 9:30 AM | Bring a Friend, Get a Gift in HVKidz

Saturday Visitation | Sunday School 9:30 AM | Bring a Friend, Get a Gift in HVKidz

A Word from Guest Andrew WoodLeading with Purpose

Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM

Financial Peace University – Sunday at 2 PM

School Supply Drive – September 5-30 – Donation Tub at Main Entrance

HVKidz Bring a Friend, Get a Gift – this Sunday

Blackwell Missions Moment

Find Your Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday Grow Group – All welcome!

Leading with Purpose: The Vital Role of Godly Leadership in Our Homes by Andrew Wood

Why Leadership Starts at Home – In a world full of challenges and countless distractions, the necessity for solid, godly leadership within our own homes cannot be overstated. As regular readers and individuals committed to living purposefully, you recognize the importance of grounding our lives in strong values. Today I wanted to piggyback, a bit, on last week’s post about raising leaders in our homes. My prayer for this week’s post is a simple one. Let’s join together to embrace godly leadership, particularly in the spheres of marriage and parenting and forge homes that are beacons of faith and love, shaping the next generation to thrive in truth and kindness.

Read the rest of the article here:

Financial Peace University – Sunday at 2 PM – Sign up at

Go to for more resources to help with sharing your faith!

Weekly Budget Need – $3,140
General Fund Received – $1,318
Last Week Under Budget – $-1,821
2024 Yearly Under Budget – $-9,168
2024 Missions Giving – $11,409

The Woman, The Child, and the Dragon – The Return of the King | Revelation 12 | Rodney Holloman
► Notes:

This week’s Missionary Moment is with the Blackwells, our missionaries in Brazil.

September Memory Verses

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

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